Wednesday, May 7, 2008


By far one, well two, of my favorite directors. The best part about watching the Coen Brothers' films has got to be noting how much enjoyment they must have gotten by putting everything together. You can just picture them directing each film in such a way that they want to pull the best reactions out of the audience, and just put scenes in for fun. Their use of dry humor is so prevalent as well in all three of the films we watched. I think it takes true talent to pull comedy out of the darkest of situations, and that is something seen especially in No Country for Old Men. They also have a remarkable talent for creating the most the devious, and pure-evil villains in movie history (in my opinion). I don't really know that you could create a scarier character than Anton Chigurh, and make it believable (aka not a make-believe ghostly villain).

Overall these are two movie-making geniuses, and it is with so much pride that we can say they come from a town not so far.

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